Thursday, May 10, 2012

12 Days of Graduation: What I Did This Semester

So, many of you know that I am receiving a minor in Studio Art along with my BA in Communications. You always get the same questions when you are an art student. They usually start with, "Can you draw?" and when I say no they look at me funny as if drawing is the only form of art and then ask if I paint. Thus the cycle continues until they finally just straight ask what classes I am taking.

To be a Studio Art minor there are very few requirements. You have to take Drawing I, 2D Design, one semester of Art History and then 3 upper level studios.

Last semester, I took wet lab photography. That means like film in the dark room with the little red light kind of photography. I loved it. I had only taken it because I had always wanted to take a photography class and in order to take any digital classes you had to take wet lab, but I ended up falling in love with photography. One day we were watching a movie all about the great photographers from LIFE Magazine and I just had this moment where I realized that I loved this art form and I wanted to be good at this art form and I really felt the Holy Spirit just stirring something in my heart that said I just might be made for this if I would allow him to partner with me in it.

So, this semester I was enrolled in 3 different photography classes and I loved every single one of them! It was seriously so fun and so refreshing and so hard!!! Haha. But I learned so much and I grew so much.

So, I figured I would post some of my stuff from this semester. Today I will post some collections and another time I'll just post the random shots that I love.


This first group was a project I did about the way that words affect people. My inspiration originally came from a sex trafficking talk I went to in which they told us about how the traffickers use their words to imprison their victims through lies. It got me thinking about the way we say things to one another and how those things end up hurting much longer than a punch to the gut and can even attach to us.

This was my final project for one of my classes. It was a statement about the transitory state of life and how the state of being abandoned means that it was once occupied and the life or spirit of that place merely moved on.

 This last one was a really fun project! We as a class submitted a proposal to a project called the Billboard Art Project. You should defs google it cause it is awesome. Anyways, the project basically rents out electronic billboards in major cities all over the USA and for a few days in each city they display the art work of different artists. It is an effort to beautify the cities. So, our group got chosen for the display in Salem, Oregon. We decided to use 8 different images that we thought represented us and then using Photoshop we brought them down to 30% opacity each and layered them. It represents how all the things we love and all the things that represent us make up who we are as one image.

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