Saturday, May 5, 2012

12 Days of Graduation: God Always Makes Good on His Promises

Found out today that I am indeed graduating!!!! I got an 86 on my last exam and everything is in the clear!!!! I am so thrilled and happy! This is literally the best day ever.

As I was celebrating this win, I started praying and just praising God for who he is and how faithful he is! While I was doing that he brought a little nugget of truth to my mind.

When I was going into my junior year I legitimately considered dropping out of college. I have never been a great student. I just doesn't come naturally to me. Anyways, through that time I fasted and waited on God and I just felt like God was telling me that me graduating from Baylor was a promise from him and it was something that I could hold onto and pursue in faith because he was behind it.

Well, today God just told me that part of purpose of him coming and giving promises is actually just him calling us up to what we are cable of and what we deserve and almost saying I'm placing my bet on this so you can trust that you are able to do this. God telling me that my graduating was a promise from him was actually him telling me that I could do it. He was saying, "You are good enough. You are worthy." He called me up to a place that my flesh didn't believe I could achieve. He is such a kind God. He loves us.

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