When I realized that today was May 1st, I had a little moment of shock as I laid in bed. For the last four years I have answered the question, "When do you graduate?" with, "May 2012." It always felt so far off and distant. Yesterday I could still answer that question with this May and now I have to say this month or in a couple weeks. It is just weird. Something I realized is kind of awesome is that I graduate on May 12, 2012. So now that May 2012 has arrived I have decided to do a post a day. That'll be 12 posts in honor of graduation. It'll be like the 12 days of Graduation. Every post will just be some musing about my college experience..maybe a funny memory, some crazy or sentimental list, or a nugget of wisdom. The sky is the limit.
Today, I want to share the ways that I have changed in college. Transformation is definitely a recurring theme in my college career. Jesus has done so much in me. I hope that this story brings hope, freedom, breakthrough, and D. ALL OF THE ABOVE.
When I came to Baylor, I was a mess of a human. I had just found out that the guy I dated all of high school has been lying to me and was dating a girl that he had met through my younger sister, I had started drinking pretty heavily that summer, and I had no clue who I wanted to be in college. I knew it was an opportunity to be who ever I wanted, but I just didn't know who I even remotely wanted to be. In high school I was the innocent, sweet girl who never did anything wrong and obeyed my parents always, but they had gone to Baylor (and they had been WILD at Baylor I would later come to find out. So, they were pretty open to the thought of me breaking out of that little shell. Luckily, Jesus had a different plan.
The first person I ever met at Baylor was Jake Patterson. Yes, the one who works a Common Grounds as he is affectionately known as. We met because our parents knew eachother. Our dads were roommates in college and in the same fraternity and actually his mom and my dad dated. Weird. Anyways, we met and we were pretty much instafriends. The main thing that drew me to him was that he loved Jesus. I loved Jesus, but that whole personal relationship thing didn't really click in my brain. So, I faked it. I wanted to be his friend so I acted like uber-christian just to hang out with. I know, so lame. BUT, what happened was Jesus started doing something in my heart. It was a really sweet a special time of me trying to figure this whole thing out. However, I was still in this stupid habit of basically going to other cities with my friends about once a month and getting drunk and being stupid and hooking up with old boyfriends and DISGUSTING. Ew, hate my sin.
In November, Jake and I started dating. It was fun and special and I really do hold it dear to my heart. Dating your best friend really is so fun! Yeah, it stinks if/when it doesn't work out. But time heals things. Anyways, dating Jake was great. He challenged me and I felt drawn closer to Jesus. We prayed together, went to church together. I had NEVER known a relationship in anyway based on Jesus so it rocked my world a little. It was sad when it ended, but that break up brought about some great breakthrough for me.
BACKTRACK--- When I first got to Baylor a girl from my high school, Lindsey Hawkins, invited me and Lorin (freshman roomie) to an outreach for her section. There I met the fabulous Lena Waters for the first time. What a wonderful, perfect occasion. Between the two of them I got plugged in at Antioch and slightly plugged into a lifegroup which was led by Josh and Jenny Lawson at first and then Lena, Taylor Allen, Meredith Janes, and Joel Trousdale. Oh hey, powerhouses. The first time I went to Antioch, I literally started weeping when I got there. I cried through out the entire worship time and at the end rededicated my life to Jesus. That was September 28, 2008. Avery special day.
Anyways, I became super close with Lena and she started rushing me Tri Delt. I had been convinced that I wanted to be a Tri Deezy since February of 2008 when I came to visit a friend for Sing. Well, January came and rush started and something happened and one night I got a phone call saying that I didn't have any parties left. It was a very raw moment. I was confused, shocked, and part of me really thought that I had been prank called. I called Jake and he came to Collins and let me cry then he took my car keys and first drove me to Lena's where we cried and both talked about how confused we were and then he drove me home at 3 am. What a sweet boy! (Lindsey Warner- HE IS A KEEPER)
So, back to Jake and I breaking up. It was hard. So much harder than it should have been after dating him for 3 months. I remember one night a couple days after he had broken it off I literally wept for hours until I fell asleep. But, the most amazing thing happened the next morning--- I woke up and I just said I don't need to cry about this anymore and I just felt God saying that he wanted to be my comfort. Not just my comforter, but my actual comfort. Man, after getting cross cut from rush and being broken up with I was feeling pretty unchosen, unworthy, unloved, and bland. All I needed in that moment was comfort. Well, I never cried about the Jake thing or the Tri Delt thing again. Jesus is so sweet! That is the first moment that I can think of where I really knew that God was teaching me something. It was kinda my first real moment with Jesus.
That semester continued on. Nothing of real note happened besides more places where I realized how much I needed Jesus.
I went of Awaken which at the time wasn't even called Awaken yet and I got blown out of the water. I learned so much and I took so much in and I just walked away thinking that I was going to be a changed person and that there was NO WAY I could go back to the life I had been leaving. I would also like to note that this was the first time I met Jake and Abigail Griffin. Wow. At that point I had no clue how special they would grow to be in my life.
I got back from Awaken and man, Satan just slammed into me. I literally went home that weekend and somehow ended up drunk with my high school friends. Talk about a bummer. The rest of that semester just went downhill. I started leaving Waco every weekend so I could be somewhere in which I could do something that I didn't want anyone in Waco knowing I was doing.
I signed up to work at T Bar M Camps for that summer and I was convinced it was going to be my ultimate escape from all this sin. I loved T Bar M and had been transformed there as a camper and figured that being there would bring a lot of freedom from these sin struggles. Here is a note: you can't run from your struggles on your own strength and you definitely cannot hide from them. I had an amazing and super fun and unforgettable summer at T Bar M, but my issues were waiting for me as soon as I left which stunk.
My sophomore year I hit a breaking point. I was annoyed that I didn't actually live life with a single person in my LG and hated when they would say we just wanna live life together at the beginning of every lifegroup, I hated having to hide all the junk I was doing, and I hated that these people at my church were trying to convince I needed to be all devout to get the things I really wanted out of life when I knew tons of people who didn't even like Jesus that were getting married and getting jobs and having babies. Yes, those were the things I wanted. I still want them, I just look at life through a slightly different scope nowadays. So, I took a giant leap back from the whole Jesus thing. By step back I mean I peaced out of there. I still went to church on Sundays occasionally and would sit in the back by myself and usually cry the whole time. I was drinking every weekend, making out with the guy who lived above me, and really really depressed by the end of the fall semester. It was a downer to say the least.
But I had a moment that truly changed everything. On January 9, 2010 I went to pick my 15 year old brother up from a party and he came out drunk and high. I was distraught. I felt completely responsible for him thinking those things were okay and I really did shake me up. I went back to Baylor for the spring semester and decided to stop partying purely because I wanted to be a better example. The sentence, "I am going to stop drinking until Dia because you have to drink of Dia," literally came out of my mouth. Little did I know that Jesus had some wonderful plans.
A year earlier I had met this really cool guy named Austin Murray. He and I had been saying we wanted to hang out for a while so I decided better now than never and it really did change my life. I started hanging out with Austin and his friends and they had something I had never even seen before. Much like what I had seen in Jake Patterson's life, I saw this raw and uncontainable love for Jesus that they had and it was different. Now I know, it was the Holy Spirit. Within about a 2 weeks period my life literally got turned upside down. It just all changed. Within those 2 weeks I had made a whole new group of friend, gotten plugged back into my old life group, signed up for Awaken, and probably had Holy Spirit parties every night. Another special thing was that my beautiful best friend, Clare Berlinsky, was right by my side experiencing the whole thing along with me.
That was the real transformation moment. I encountered God in a way that made me realize how worth it he was! How much he loved me and how much life with Jesus could be! It was so awesome and so special! There is way way way more to this story since I have obviously been continuously refined in the last 2.5 years of walking with Jesus, but I really feel like this post is just getting WAY too long.
To Be Continued... Next chapter is WHO I AM!