It is always nice to have a place to just rant the things going on in your mind so I figured that blogging was a worth a try.
So I just got back from watching my baby brother, Jack (who isn't a baby at all at age 18), play in Nationals for U18 Tier II Hockey. Being from Texas, we never expected to go far in a tournament where we were playing teams from New York, Ohio, New Jersey, etc. My dad had actually told me and my other brother, Hank, that once we lost he was putting us on a flight home even though the team would stay through out the whole tournament. Well, they won the whole dang thing. Yeah, they are the best team in the whole nation for their division.
The championship game had been a nail-biter. At the end of the third period, the score was 1-1. The game would proceed into 3 over times with numerous shots on goal. With about 7 minutes left in the third over time the youngest player on Jack's team, who they call Baby, scored the game winner. It was only his second goal of the entire year.
Through out the entire game I kept praying for the boys and praying that they would win. Sometimes I felt silly praying about a sporting event. In my mind I was like, "As if God really cares that much about this and why would God want our boys to win more than these other boys."
One of the things that I love about God is that he is in the details. Every detail. The tiniest of the tiny. He is in them. I mean, it wasn't just like these boys got this talent from some random place. I really do believe that God created them and made them with this ability to play hockey. It is so funny that when God was making my brother he was making all these huge things like kind, compassionate, a leader and then he made him a hockey player too. God is so all about the details and what is ever crazier is that he actually cares about them.
Every time I read the verse that talks about how all the hairs on our heads are numbered I feel like I receive more and more revelation about God's father heart. He cares about the little things. Those random talents that you have that no one else even knows about, God looks at them and he says, "I made that and I love that about you." He is such a sweet God and such a sweet father.
Here is the video of the game winning goal. Just because it is still so exciting to me.
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