Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Be Still My Anxious Heart

The word of God says:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

I never really realized how anxious of a person I am until this semester. I am taking 20 hours, 3 photography studios, and I'm about to graduate. Being in so many photography courses has really sent me into a tizzy. There is always something due and it seems like there is never enough time to do it. My wonderful teacher, H. Jennings Sheffield (You should google her. She is inspiring.), tells me all the time that she can see it on my face. That literally when I am stressed out or feeling anxious my countenance changes. Well, that's because ANXIETY is NOT from God. Although, I can't really decide if I think anxiety is sinful, I do think that choosing to function out of a place of anxiety is. 

I mean, why the heck would you choose anxiety when the Word says that if you come to Jesus with whatever it is he will give you peace and will guard you heart and mind? That seems like a no-brainer to me. 

I had a huge photography project due for my advanced class today and yesterday I was a freakin mess. I was just running around like a crazy lady! This morning however, I woke up and I just had this sense of peace. I had originally planned to go to the art building around 8 am but didn't end up going until noon and yet, the whole afternoon I was just calm and peaceful and knew that it would all work out and that Jesus was on my side. He is so sweet like that. Anyways, I got the project done with time to spare AND my teacher LOVED IT! 

It's amazing how much I underestimate God and here is why I need to stop doing that; He knows the outcome of EVERYTHING. Most of the time when I get super stressed about something it turns out all right. And by most of the time I mean all the time because there is always more and more grace from God. So, I should just trust him and ask him for peace because he is the one who knows how everything is going to go down at the end of whatever task I'm in the middle of and with his guidance the whole thing goes a lot more smoothly.

He is so for me and for you. Duh, I was going to do good on my project... 1) He told me I was going to graduate in May. 2) He was the one behind all my work. 3) HE LOVES ME.

Feel free to remind me of this next time you see me being spastic.

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