My Myers-Briggs test defined me as an ENFJ.
Some really great people in this world are ENFJ's...
Ronald Reagan, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. .... Sarah Chang....
The part that no one ever believes is that I am a J.
The J stands for judger... no, it does not mean that I am judgmental of other. (Though I am guilty of that at times. Aren't we all?) It means that I like to 'have matters settled' and being an FJ specifically means that I am empathetic. I definitely agree with those notions, but people usually think of J's as being super clean and put together... those are things that I am not. I am however very administrative and organized chaos pretty much defines my life. My room may look like a giant mess to you, but I really do know where everything is. The main way that I think I daily demonstrate my J-ness is that I literally could not survive without lists. They are THE best. like seriously. How do people get ANYTHING done without making lists? At Barnes and Noble they have a list journal... It is a journal that on each page has a different subject and you just get to list all the things you can think of under that topic. That honestly sounds so fun to me.
Wow, I sound like a total nerdling.
Anyways, I realized that 1) I hadn't posted in a while and 2) I haven't posted anything funny... So, I thought I should make a post with some sort of funny list. Plus, I saw Elizabeth Griffin's throwback Thursday post and it was a list of all the hilarious trends she has taken part in. So, I want in on this list making blogger party... (Wow... I was even listing in my explanation. Typical.)
This morning I celebrated my last college ministry EMP ever... (EMP means Early Morning Prayer/Party) So in honor of senior year, I have a list of things Senior Annie would like to tell Freshman Annie.
1) GO TO BED! All nighters are dumb and in no way beneficial. You will soon learn that you are more than capable of getting things done on time. If you are staying up and it is NOT because you have a giant paper due the next day then it is just silly. Stop going to bed at 4 am because you were Facebooking for 7 hours! [BTW: SIDE NOTE... How do we spend so long on Facebook? I barely ever get on anymore and now I just literally CANNOT wrap my mind around how I spent more than 10 minutes at a time on there.]
2) Baylor T-Shirt Dresses (or any school's) are not cool. Maybe it seemed cool at the time, but in retrospect I can't really remember why... They are kinda awkward and rarely fit well...
3) Eat in the dining halls EVERY DAY. You will realize when you are a sophomore and have to buy your own groceries how great of a deal the dining hall is. Never eat at Penland. That place is disgusting. Eat at Brooks as often as you can because it is STINKING awesome. As a senior, I have only eaten there twice in my Baylor career and I greatly regret it.
4) Journaling everyday of your freshman year is the best idea you have ever had. It provides me with endless entertainment.
5) Don't give in to the Farmville hype. It is just another reason for you to spend hours on Facebook.
6) Papers and tests will make or break you in EVERY SINGLE CLASS for the next four years. They really do deserve full attention because it is a GIFT that you are at this school. Do NOT blow them off.
7) Switch to Speech Comm... it is the best/easiest major and your GPA will skyrocket.
8) Don't bother paying for the Bear Pit... You will never go pick up your jersey and you will only go to like 10 basketball games all of college. What a waste of 20 dollars....
9) Wearing Sperry's with every single outfit, if you're a girl, is like wearing a sign that says, "Hey, I'm a freshman!"
10) You need Jesus and He loves you. Forget the rest. He is all that matters.
and in that spirit here are some freshman funnies..
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Being Expectant.
This post is gunna be short and sweet.
Today I received my official acceptance to the Elevate Training School at Antioch! Yippee! Y'all do not know how pumped, excited, and expectant I am for next year. What I wanna rant about today is EXPECTANCY!
Man, it is so important that we, as people who believe in and are living for God, are expectant of great things from him. I have made it an everyday practice that any time I am getting excited about something God is doing or something God has spoken that I am also expectant! It is even more so important that in the times of great discouragement or lack we are still expectant.
We serve a faithful God. We serve a good God. We have a wonderful Daddy who wants to give us GREAT things in our lives. A creator who created us to do and see GREAT things. It isn't wrong to anticipate greatness from God. It is part of who he is! He longs to let us see his goodness in the land of the living. So, go out today and live everyday of the rest of your life expecting that you will see that goodness and see the love of the father.
Today I received my official acceptance to the Elevate Training School at Antioch! Yippee! Y'all do not know how pumped, excited, and expectant I am for next year. What I wanna rant about today is EXPECTANCY!
Man, it is so important that we, as people who believe in and are living for God, are expectant of great things from him. I have made it an everyday practice that any time I am getting excited about something God is doing or something God has spoken that I am also expectant! It is even more so important that in the times of great discouragement or lack we are still expectant.
We serve a faithful God. We serve a good God. We have a wonderful Daddy who wants to give us GREAT things in our lives. A creator who created us to do and see GREAT things. It isn't wrong to anticipate greatness from God. It is part of who he is! He longs to let us see his goodness in the land of the living. So, go out today and live everyday of the rest of your life expecting that you will see that goodness and see the love of the father.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Happy Easter!
This morning I woke up around 6 am and in my half asleep state said out loud, "Happy Easter Jesus!" And you know how he responds in that still quiet voice in your mind? Well, up there I heard him say, "Happy Easter love. I'd go to the cross for you again and again and again." Jesus is so sweet!!!
So for the Easter holiday the Bogo went to Gulf Shores on Papa McCollister's dime. (Woop! Woop!) Anyways, this morning we had our own little Easter shindig. I made the worship playlist and Sarah and Katie led us in some prayer. One of the things that Sarah felt like we needed to ask God for was a vision of heaven. I had a pretty awesome vision which I don't really feel like I need to share, BUT coming out of the vision I just felt so loved by God and by Jesus. I tend to have issues really trusting that God will provide for me which at a deeper root is really about not knowing how deep his love is. Um hello, Annie! Have you had an actual revelation of the cross? Jesus provided for you in the ultimate way. He provided for you in a place where no one expected any type of provision! Whoa. What a loving God! The cross really is the ultimate sign of Gods heart as a father and his desire to provide. He wanted to gives us the out. He didn't want us to have to try to get to him, he wanted to go ahead an give us the way! Because he is wonderful. I love him.
So for the Easter holiday the Bogo went to Gulf Shores on Papa McCollister's dime. (Woop! Woop!) Anyways, this morning we had our own little Easter shindig. I made the worship playlist and Sarah and Katie led us in some prayer. One of the things that Sarah felt like we needed to ask God for was a vision of heaven. I had a pretty awesome vision which I don't really feel like I need to share, BUT coming out of the vision I just felt so loved by God and by Jesus. I tend to have issues really trusting that God will provide for me which at a deeper root is really about not knowing how deep his love is. Um hello, Annie! Have you had an actual revelation of the cross? Jesus provided for you in the ultimate way. He provided for you in a place where no one expected any type of provision! Whoa. What a loving God! The cross really is the ultimate sign of Gods heart as a father and his desire to provide. He wanted to gives us the out. He didn't want us to have to try to get to him, he wanted to go ahead an give us the way! Because he is wonderful. I love him.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Be Still My Anxious Heart
The word of God says:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
I never really realized how anxious of a person I am until this semester. I am taking 20 hours, 3 photography studios, and I'm about to graduate. Being in so many photography courses has really sent me into a tizzy. There is always something due and it seems like there is never enough time to do it. My wonderful teacher, H. Jennings Sheffield (You should google her. She is inspiring.), tells me all the time that she can see it on my face. That literally when I am stressed out or feeling anxious my countenance changes. Well, that's because ANXIETY is NOT from God. Although, I can't really decide if I think anxiety is sinful, I do think that choosing to function out of a place of anxiety is.
I mean, why the heck would you choose anxiety when the Word says that if you come to Jesus with whatever it is he will give you peace and will guard you heart and mind? That seems like a no-brainer to me.
I had a huge photography project due for my advanced class today and yesterday I was a freakin mess. I was just running around like a crazy lady! This morning however, I woke up and I just had this sense of peace. I had originally planned to go to the art building around 8 am but didn't end up going until noon and yet, the whole afternoon I was just calm and peaceful and knew that it would all work out and that Jesus was on my side. He is so sweet like that. Anyways, I got the project done with time to spare AND my teacher LOVED IT!
It's amazing how much I underestimate God and here is why I need to stop doing that; He knows the outcome of EVERYTHING. Most of the time when I get super stressed about something it turns out all right. And by most of the time I mean all the time because there is always more and more grace from God. So, I should just trust him and ask him for peace because he is the one who knows how everything is going to go down at the end of whatever task I'm in the middle of and with his guidance the whole thing goes a lot more smoothly.
He is so for me and for you. Duh, I was going to do good on my project... 1) He told me I was going to graduate in May. 2) He was the one behind all my work. 3) HE LOVES ME.
Feel free to remind me of this next time you see me being spastic.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
I never really realized how anxious of a person I am until this semester. I am taking 20 hours, 3 photography studios, and I'm about to graduate. Being in so many photography courses has really sent me into a tizzy. There is always something due and it seems like there is never enough time to do it. My wonderful teacher, H. Jennings Sheffield (You should google her. She is inspiring.), tells me all the time that she can see it on my face. That literally when I am stressed out or feeling anxious my countenance changes. Well, that's because ANXIETY is NOT from God. Although, I can't really decide if I think anxiety is sinful, I do think that choosing to function out of a place of anxiety is.
I mean, why the heck would you choose anxiety when the Word says that if you come to Jesus with whatever it is he will give you peace and will guard you heart and mind? That seems like a no-brainer to me.
I had a huge photography project due for my advanced class today and yesterday I was a freakin mess. I was just running around like a crazy lady! This morning however, I woke up and I just had this sense of peace. I had originally planned to go to the art building around 8 am but didn't end up going until noon and yet, the whole afternoon I was just calm and peaceful and knew that it would all work out and that Jesus was on my side. He is so sweet like that. Anyways, I got the project done with time to spare AND my teacher LOVED IT!
It's amazing how much I underestimate God and here is why I need to stop doing that; He knows the outcome of EVERYTHING. Most of the time when I get super stressed about something it turns out all right. And by most of the time I mean all the time because there is always more and more grace from God. So, I should just trust him and ask him for peace because he is the one who knows how everything is going to go down at the end of whatever task I'm in the middle of and with his guidance the whole thing goes a lot more smoothly.
He is so for me and for you. Duh, I was going to do good on my project... 1) He told me I was going to graduate in May. 2) He was the one behind all my work. 3) HE LOVES ME.
Feel free to remind me of this next time you see me being spastic.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
A God Who Loves Your Details
So, blogging. Yeah. We will just see how long this will last.
It is always nice to have a place to just rant the things going on in your mind so I figured that blogging was a worth a try.
So I just got back from watching my baby brother, Jack (who isn't a baby at all at age 18), play in Nationals for U18 Tier II Hockey. Being from Texas, we never expected to go far in a tournament where we were playing teams from New York, Ohio, New Jersey, etc. My dad had actually told me and my other brother, Hank, that once we lost he was putting us on a flight home even though the team would stay through out the whole tournament. Well, they won the whole dang thing. Yeah, they are the best team in the whole nation for their division.
The championship game had been a nail-biter. At the end of the third period, the score was 1-1. The game would proceed into 3 over times with numerous shots on goal. With about 7 minutes left in the third over time the youngest player on Jack's team, who they call Baby, scored the game winner. It was only his second goal of the entire year.
Through out the entire game I kept praying for the boys and praying that they would win. Sometimes I felt silly praying about a sporting event. In my mind I was like, "As if God really cares that much about this and why would God want our boys to win more than these other boys."
One of the things that I love about God is that he is in the details. Every detail. The tiniest of the tiny. He is in them. I mean, it wasn't just like these boys got this talent from some random place. I really do believe that God created them and made them with this ability to play hockey. It is so funny that when God was making my brother he was making all these huge things like kind, compassionate, a leader and then he made him a hockey player too. God is so all about the details and what is ever crazier is that he actually cares about them.
Every time I read the verse that talks about how all the hairs on our heads are numbered I feel like I receive more and more revelation about God's father heart. He cares about the little things. Those random talents that you have that no one else even knows about, God looks at them and he says, "I made that and I love that about you." He is such a sweet God and such a sweet father.
Here is the video of the game winning goal. Just because it is still so exciting to me.
It is always nice to have a place to just rant the things going on in your mind so I figured that blogging was a worth a try.
So I just got back from watching my baby brother, Jack (who isn't a baby at all at age 18), play in Nationals for U18 Tier II Hockey. Being from Texas, we never expected to go far in a tournament where we were playing teams from New York, Ohio, New Jersey, etc. My dad had actually told me and my other brother, Hank, that once we lost he was putting us on a flight home even though the team would stay through out the whole tournament. Well, they won the whole dang thing. Yeah, they are the best team in the whole nation for their division.
The championship game had been a nail-biter. At the end of the third period, the score was 1-1. The game would proceed into 3 over times with numerous shots on goal. With about 7 minutes left in the third over time the youngest player on Jack's team, who they call Baby, scored the game winner. It was only his second goal of the entire year.
Through out the entire game I kept praying for the boys and praying that they would win. Sometimes I felt silly praying about a sporting event. In my mind I was like, "As if God really cares that much about this and why would God want our boys to win more than these other boys."
One of the things that I love about God is that he is in the details. Every detail. The tiniest of the tiny. He is in them. I mean, it wasn't just like these boys got this talent from some random place. I really do believe that God created them and made them with this ability to play hockey. It is so funny that when God was making my brother he was making all these huge things like kind, compassionate, a leader and then he made him a hockey player too. God is so all about the details and what is ever crazier is that he actually cares about them.
Every time I read the verse that talks about how all the hairs on our heads are numbered I feel like I receive more and more revelation about God's father heart. He cares about the little things. Those random talents that you have that no one else even knows about, God looks at them and he says, "I made that and I love that about you." He is such a sweet God and such a sweet father.
Here is the video of the game winning goal. Just because it is still so exciting to me.
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